Small Changes Add Up to Make a Big Impact - Meet Gus

“Gus is a ham and a partier. Has been know to wear sunglasses and ponytail. Loves to fetch on the beach. His breed is a working dog so he disappears in the fall after a flock of birds. Very loving but most affectionate after he’s gone for a swim. If we don’t take him that day he’ll sleep in another room.”
Have you made any changes to help the environment? “Growing milkweed, compost, separate all trash, don’t buy prepared foods, use my string bag for shopping. We make soup with leftover produce in the fridge instead of throwing it out. Thrifting many of our furnishings. I use to take 80 flights a year for work but I don’t anymore because I changed jobs thankfully.”
#sustainableliving #uselessplastic #nomoreplasticbags#ecoswaps #lowwaste #plasticfree #changinghabits#poopshark #compostablepoopbags #womenowned#fieldspaniel #partydog #dogponytail #glamourhair
Have you made any changes to help the environment? “Growing milkweed, compost, separate all trash, don’t buy prepared foods, use my string bag for shopping. We make soup with leftover produce in the fridge instead of throwing it out. Thrifting many of our furnishings. I use to take 80 flights a year for work but I don’t anymore because I changed jobs thankfully.”
#sustainableliving #uselessplastic #nomoreplasticbags#ecoswaps #lowwaste #plasticfree #changinghabits#poopshark #compostablepoopbags #womenowned#fieldspaniel #partydog #dogponytail #glamourhair
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