Small Changes Can Make An Impact - featuring Hunter

“Hunter lays by the door or gates so he never gets left behind. When the twins wake up, he’ll go right in their bed while they play on the floor. He’s a talker and he’ll talk to them. He pants like crazy but he loves the heat and will lay in the sun til he can’t take it. I do his nails and he gets a bath every week because he has allergies.”
Have you made any small changes to help the environment? “I think I’m weird but I get super annoyed at people who don’t follow the recycle rules—dirty pizza boxes or plastic furniture can’t be recycled. We use organic lawn treatment. We live on a lake so the water is used by lots of ducks and all the dogs eat the bird poop. I wish they’d ban all lawn chemicals. Switched to an ozone laundry system so we should use a lot less detergent. I always try to get hand me down toys and clothes for my toddlers. Buy only LED bulbs now. Less flushing to save water—if it’s yellow let in mellow, if it’s brown, flush it down. We wait to run the dishwasher.”
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Have you made any small changes to help the environment? “I think I’m weird but I get super annoyed at people who don’t follow the recycle rules—dirty pizza boxes or plastic furniture can’t be recycled. We use organic lawn treatment. We live on a lake so the water is used by lots of ducks and all the dogs eat the bird poop. I wish they’d ban all lawn chemicals. Switched to an ozone laundry system so we should use a lot less detergent. I always try to get hand me down toys and clothes for my toddlers. Buy only LED bulbs now. Less flushing to save water—if it’s yellow let in mellow, if it’s brown, flush it down. We wait to run the dishwasher.”
#sustainableliving #ecoconscious #reduceplastic#reducewaste #uselessplastic #environmentfriendly#toxinfreeliving #changinghabits #biodegradablepoopbags#compostablepoopbags #poopshark #poopsharkbag#papernotplastic #ridgeback #ridgebacklove#rhodesianridgeback #ridgebackofinsta #familydogs
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