Small Changes to Help Our Environment - featuring Sadie

“Our son picked her out at @poshpetsrescue Sadie has one leg that’s it’s a little shorter but she is model perfect to us. She’s a little nervous with new people but best friends with all the neighborhood dogs. Her favorite place to be is on the beach. She loves chasing the birds by the waves. Loves stinky crab legs that the seagulls drop.”
Have you made any small changes to help the environment? “We repurpose every plastic bag that comes into the house. We have a composter which gives us 2-3 bags of soil per year. We turn off the water when we brush our teeth. I make coffee with a washable cotton colador de cafe instead of disposable filters or the pods. Most of my sons books and textbooks are online now which should be saving some paper.”
Have you made any small changes to help the environment? “We repurpose every plastic bag that comes into the house. We have a composter which gives us 2-3 bags of soil per year. We turn off the water when we brush our teeth. I make coffee with a washable cotton colador de cafe instead of disposable filters or the pods. Most of my sons books and textbooks are online now which should be saving some paper.”
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